Hamden LED Lighting Upgrade

Número de adquisiciones :
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Publicado :


BID# 06-25

Hamden LED Lighting Upgrade



The H.N.S. Management Company, Inc. (d/b/a CTtransit) is a Subsidiary Corporation of RATP Dev USA established as the legal entity to perform a service contract with the State of Connecticut.  CTtransit is the Connecticut Department of Transportation owned bus system, which provides fixed route bus service within 53 towns in the Hartford, New Haven and Stamford metropolitan areas.  An operating division is located in each of the three metro areas from which the local transit service is provided. 


CTtransit is soliciting Bids from qualified Vendors for an LED lighting upgrade at the New Haven Bus Maintenance Facility.



Monday, February 17, 2025


Monday, March 3, 2025 @ 10:00am


Wednesday, March 19, 2025 @ 10:00am


Wednesday, April 9, 2025


Thursday, April 24, 2025 @ 2:00pm


Services shall be based on all provisions, conditions, instructions and specifications as outlined in the Bid.  Forms, instructions and specifications are available from the CTtransit website (www.cttransit.com).  By completing a onetime registration process on CTtransit’s website, Bidders are able to download the entire procurement package and any Addendums (Addendums will be issued on CTtransit’s website; it is the responsibility of the interested Bidder to download this information).  Bidders may contact Greg Chapin at gchapin@cttransit.com or by calling, (860) 707-1277 for additional information or assistance with the registration process.  Please include company name, address, telephone and fax number, contact name and email address in all requests.


Bids should be clearly marked “Bid #06-25 “Hamden LED Lighting Upgrade and sent to the attention of Greg Chapin, PCO, 100 Leibert Road, Hartford, CT 06120 for FedEx/UPS/hand delivery.  It is the responsibility of the Bidder to assure that its Bid arrives at the designated location and person by the specified time stated above. 



Issuance of this Bid notice does not commit CTtransit to award any contract.  CTtransit reserves the right to waive any informalities or variations in any proposal that it deems to be immaterial, or to reject any or all, or any part of any or all proposals if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of CTtransit and/or the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT).


Greg Chapin

Purchasing & Contracts Officer


An Affirmative Action - An Equal Opportunity Employer

Procurement Update :

Bid Document and six attachments posted February 17th

Addendum #1 and Attachment A posted 3/19


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  • Después de crear una cuenta, haga clic en REGISTRARSE solo una vez.

Todos los potenciales proponentes deben tener en cuenta que, si NO obtienen este paquete del departamento de compras de CTtransit, no podemos garantizarles de ninguna manera que recibirán cualquier información adicional (apéndices, etc.).   Todos los potenciales proponentes deben registrarse individualmente con CTtransit.