Detours in Effect for New Haven on Sunday. August 18, 2024
Boston Post Road
Congress Avenue
Union Avenue
New Haven
Vie Ago 16
Due to road closures on Temple St from 1 pm - 2:30 pm, between Chapel St and Crown St, the following detours will be in effect:
- 271 Union Avenue buses make L) George St to regular route.
R) Chapel St
L) College St
From College St.
- 261 Boston Post Road buses make a R) North frontage to regular route.
R) Chapel St
L) College St
From College St.
- 265 Congress Avenue buses continue straight to Congress Ave.
R) Chapel St
L) College St
From College St.
- 265 Congress Avenue buses continue straight to Congress Ave.
Please call customer service at 203-624-0151 for updated information.